Being is an innovative health and wellness brand that specializes in producing smoke-free cannabis alternatives, such as oral THC and CBD QuickstripsTM.
Consumption Tips
It is important to follow Health Canada’s guideline of “start low, go slow”. For additional details, refer to Consumer information – Cannabis -
Each package of 2:1 CBD: CBN Gummies |Berry Dream contains the equivalent of 6 grams of dried cannabis. To learn more about dried cannabis equivalencies, click here.
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You have reached your order allowance limit for this product.
You have reached your maximum
You can not add anymore of this product
You can not add more than item(s) of this product
Your prescription has expired
Unfortunately, the THC or CBD of this product is outside your prescription limits. Please choose another product.
This product is unavailable under your prescription
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Please call us at 1-877-928-76721-877-928-7672
Please speak to your health care provider to get a prescription to be able to purchase this product.